HollyAnna "CougarTracks" DeCoteau Littlebull

Tribe: Yakama / Nez Perce / Cayuse / Cree
Based In: Wapato, WA
Email: cougartracks@gmail.com

About the Art
TŁʼÁAX̱WMAMIN ACHAʼWÁMƗT TÚX̱ƗN means “Lifts the Sky” in the Yakama language Ichishkíin. Standing at twelve feet tall and three feet wide, it’s made of a detailed inventory of plastic and Styrofoam discarded by consumers and, had it not been creatively repurposed, it would likely have been dumped into the ocean.

The artist worked on the project for eight months. Says Littlebull, “This is my Wapitat Ttawaxt, my service to the land, to people, to doing what is right. In our culture, Bigfoot is the caretaker of all life. She protects the air, the water, the animals, all living things.”